Anna’s Therapy Journey

Anna is a 48-year-old Latina woman who sought mental health services with El Centro de Amistad in November of 2020. Anna was seeking support regarding recent marital stressors. Anna initially had some reservations about treatment due to past experiences with mental health services, which Anna felt had not been the right fit; however, she ultimately decided to move forward with services. Anna was matched with the Medi-Cal (Adult) program and assigned to MHC Carolina. Upon intake, Anna reported excessive worry and physical and mental symptoms of anxiety, impacting Anna’s sleep, ability to be in public settings, and day-to-day activities. Anna reported daily anxious thoughts around her relationship, and she worried about the impact these stressors and changes would have on her and her children.

Anna participated in weekly individual therapy sessions with MHC Carolina and was motivated to work towards her treatment goal. Anna identified and implemented helpful boundaries within her home and family settings to help facilitate healthy co-parenting and practiced mindfulness and empowering self-talk to help manage worries and anxious thoughts. Anna also implemented strategies discussed in session into everyday situations.

Towards the end of treatment, Anna expressed pride regarding her progress and work in treatment. In January 2022, Anna met her treatment goal and graduated from therapy.