How Renata Is Now Able to Manage Her Depression and Anxiety Through Therapy

Renata is a 31-year-old female self-referred to treatment due to experiencing various depressive symptoms and behaviors, high levels of anxiety, and overwhelming guilt related to her son’s Autism diagnosis. These symptoms and behaviors have significantly impacted her functioning in the home and the community.

Throughout treatment, Renata has been working closely with her therapist Lilia Tejeda-Frias, MA, Associate Marriage Family Therapist. They have worked on improving Renata’s positive coping skills for her to be able to recognize, tolerate, and accept emotions related to life stressors. They have also worked on improving her communication skills and learn stress-reducing strategies so that she could better help manage triggers for her depressive symptoms and other life stressors. Renata and her therapist have practiced reframing negative thinking patterns and on developing more self-awareness, problem-solving and assertive expression.

Renata has since been able to advocate for herself and her needs and has formed better and stronger relationships with her family members. By means of modeling, use of praise, and skill-building, Renata’s therapist has helped her reinforce her strengths and commitment towards eliminating her mental health barriers and overall improvement. Renata has embraced her supportive and empathetic relationship with her therapist and continues to succeed in becoming a better version of herself.